What is self-relaxation

Self-relaxation is a training session during which you learn how to completely relax, “unplug” for a short time, relax your body and your mind, and perform a short regeneration process.

This technique could also be described as a sort of self-hypnosis that you perform by yourself when you’re alone and need to calm down.

It can also last for only a couple of minutes and is suitable for calming down during work, between two meetings, during a busy day, or in the evening before you fall asleep.

In our centre, we only teach the technique of self-relaxation and do not perform therapeutic work.

Our brain is like a giant hard drive

Our brain is an organic miracle. Its performance far exceeds that of a computer, yet access to both stored information and content is limited. Experts state that we usually only use about ten percent of our brain’s capacity. Most functions, such as walking or maintaining balance, come from our subconscious. Our heart, liver, kidneys, etc. work 24 hours a day. We breathe. All this is managed by our subconscious. This means that the capacities of our brain are almost immeasurable.

Hypnotherapy is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. It is a state of increased concentration and focused attention. Hypnotherapy, led by a trained, certified hypnotherapist, allows you to be more open to suggestions and to introduce healthy changes in your perceptions, feelings, emotions, memories, thoughts, or behavior, as you will hear yourself better with the help of a hypnotherapist. It is a tool for listening and discovering yourself, finding the causes of current imbalances, and changing your patterns.

Hypnotherapy can eliminate various phobias, such as fear of spiders, fear of flying, fear of sailing, claustrophobia, etc., often after just one session. Newly established learning structures can help you increase thinking skills and drive people to peak performance, thus helping them effectively achieve their personal and professional goals. Hypnosis is one of the methods that can help people pave the way towards achieving these goals. Hypnotherapy or self-hypnosis DOES NOT CURE YOU; instead, it ELEVATES THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE.

What is hypnotherapy – self-hypnosis

The efficiency of hypnotherapy is confirmed by over 200 international studies. Nowadays, it is used in various ways, from allaying our fears to serving as a replacement for narcosis during surgery.

Do not be afraid of losing control! Nobody loses control of themselves when they are in a state of hypnosis or self-hypnosis. On the contrary, you start gaining even more control over your actions.

You gain control, for example, in areas where you have so far felt somewhat out of place (for example, panic attacks, fear of flying, fear of spiders or snakes, etc.).