Which mother-to-be wouldn’t like to experience this? Feeling like the child growing in her belly. Floating weightlessly in the warm liquid, in total safety.
Abroad, an increasing number of gynaecologists and obstetricians recommend floating during pregnancy due to the proven benefits of this practice for the mother and child.
Pregnancy is one of the biggest and most beautiful wonders but often also a very strenuous period for the mother-to-be, especially in the third trimester when the baby is quickly gaining weight, placing significant pressure on the mother’s body. Floating during pregnancy is highly recommended, since the beneficial effects of this practice are also felt by the unborn child – gentle and soothing waves, the positive feelings of the mother, etc. Yes, floating provides the ideal relief during pregnancy! The strained joints and the pain in the muscles and sciatica are noticeably reduced, and the feeling of weightlessness pampers not only the body but also the mind. Due to the altered hormonal picture, many women are grappling with mood swings. When floating, however, people calm down emotionally, which has an additional positive effect on the bond between the mother-to-be and the child. Another major benefit of floating during pregnancy is the magnesium in the bath, as the need for daily intake increases during pregnancy. A high concentration of magnesium salt, which is absorbed in large quantities through the skin during floating, means that additional magnesium is usually not necessary. Soaking in an Epsom (magnesium sulphate) salt bath is one of the most effective ways to provide the magnesium your body needs. Calcium-magnesium preparations are a popular remedy for many issues that women encounter during pregnancy.Epsom (magnesium sulphate) salts are also offered in hospitals to stop premature contractions. During floating, one can directly experience an enhanced awareness of their own body, which is especially noticed by mothers-to-be in a special, unique way.

Advantages of floating:
Reduces swelling: floating relaxes your joints, which already feels great. This reduction in pressure can also help reduce edema or prevent swelling. Muscle and joint pain: One of the biggest challenges when expecting a child is the bone and muscle strain. Pregnancy is especially challenging for the back and torso. The extra weight caused by the child quickly exhausts and fatigues the mother-to-be. Most often, the future mother “finally” lies down to rest, while the unborn baby chooses this moment as the perfect time to exercise and become especially active. During floating, your muscles will relax in a way that you cannot experience anywhere else. Floating helps relieve lactic acid in the muscles:

Reduces stress: The environment in which we live leaves little time and space for people to take care of their well-being. This is difficult, especially for a woman whose body is changing to boot. If you already have another child, it is especially difficult to have a moment of peace. This causes stress to constantly accumulate, which is bad for the mother-to-be and for the baby. The floating chamber is a pleasant, peaceful, maternal environment. Since there are no stimuli and no feelings that need to be processed, the body uses very little energy and everything slows down. There is no sense of time and everything happens without any effort.

Blood pressure reduction: Blood pressure is closely related to the level of stress. The state of deep relaxation achieved in the floating chamber helps to lower the blood pressure. As your body frees itself from the load of gravity, the vessels dilate and blood flow increases, which lowers blood pressure.

Emotional stability: During pregnancy, the state of hormones that flow through your bloodstream changes greatly, which importantly affects your mood … unfortunately, not always for the better! Floating is an effective way to “reset” the hormonal balance of the body by regulating the production of cortisol (a stress hormone) in the amygdala. After floating you will feel refreshed, stable and revitalised.

Better sleep: A good, high-quality sleep during pregnancy can be one of the greatest challenges for the mother-to-be. Lack of sleep, again, leads to irritability, fatigue, etc. After using the floating chamber, your calmness and stability will allow you to sleep soundly and deeply.

Absorption of magnesium: As I have mentioned several times,  magnesium is a very important mineral for our body. It is responsible for over 320 different biochemical reactions at the cellular level.The absorption of magnesium (through the skin) is by far the most effective route, as it bypasses the often inefficient digestive system and goes directly into the bloodstream. This is beneficial for you and for the baby.

The effect of the baby’s sensations: We often hear that floating in a floating chamber feels a little like “living in the womb”. During pregnancy, we can even talk about a womb in the womb, which offers double protection and a double sense of complete security for the unborn baby. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the mother-to-be even has the opportunity to hear her own heartbeat, as well as her baby’s heartbeat, which brings her even closer to her unborn child.